December 18, 2010

Day 8

Pretend City
My mom found a great place for us to take Austin, its called Pretend City and its a whole city that is pretend and the little guys get to play with EVERYTHING!!!
Grocery Shopping...more like climb on the counters and throw some boxes around shopping :-)
Someone was a little excited.
Tractor driving
Even in Pretend City you shouldn't text and drive....see what can happen...poor mom
Paul panicking at the police dispatch station.
We had a lot of fun at Pretend City, thanks for the great idea mom!
Afterward we took Austin home for a nap and we got to go out on a DATE, yup that's right just the 2 of us. We went for a drive and a walk at the beach.

Later on the night we had a game night with the Smith's/Petersen family. We got to Tanya and Aaron's house with a welcome sign that read "welcome but especially the Hunter's" sweet. Also that night I had a bunch of old friends get together at the skating rink so I met them there for a little bit, boy I haven't seen most of these people in 10 years!

What was Austin doing while his parent's were out on the town? He was playing with his Aunt and Oma and Opa...and even the Dutch Santa Clause made an appearance!

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