February 18, 2011

Pregnancy Questions

When your pregnant you get asked many questions. The top three I get asked are:
  1. What are you having? A boy!
  2. When are you due? March 5, 2011

3. What are you naming your baby?

Well to answer the all popular #3 question...many of you know Paul and I are incessant planners. We already have planned how many kiddos we want (6) and all of them are named (first and middle names). So far we have 4 boy names and 2 girl names. The problem is that the names aren't assigned to birth order. We prefer to see the baby first and then pick from our pool of names without any outside influence besides inspiration.

This time around we know we have 3 boys names left so we decided we were going to write all 3 on seperate post-it notes and let Austin pick one of them in the hospital. This will be his first offical big brother task.

1 comment:

Tiffanie said...

that is so much fun! he will always think he named the baby :)
we picked out a toy( a new bike) for Everett to give to Bryson.