June 10, 2011

time flies...

And my baby is already 3 months old
but he sure is a cutie pie

Here are some quick facts about Andrew:

- Sleeps through the night - has done this at 6 weeks old for 12-13 hours straight!!!

- if you can't tell he loves to eat

- adores his brother

- tolerates tummy time

- is super giggly in the morning

- loves to "talk"

- like to rough house with daddy

- hates his baby swing (although it was Austin's all time favorite)

- likes to go on walks

- loves his Bumbo

- still loves to be swaddles and smiles when you do it because he knows he will be asleep soon (yup both boys are obsessed with sleeping - they get that from their father)

- at this point has beautiful green eyes

- is losing his hair :-(

- his smile lights up the room

We sure do love our newest addition to our family. Andrew is an amazing baby.

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