October 11, 2009

Here Fishy Fishy Fishy

Long Beach Aquarium
My sister got some tickets to the aquarium from her work and she thought it would be a good place to take Austin and he had a lot of fun.
He got to ride on a shark

My sister petting the sting rays with her whole hand and not the recommended 2 fingers
This one was leopard print and huge!
Feeding the birds
Austin liked looking at all the different colors and sounds that the birds made
My littlehermit crab :-)
Austin being a little fishy
Family photo

Cute sea lions

What a great family day
Thanks Jes


Unknown said...

I haven't been there in forever! Looks like you had fun.

Maurice&Tash said...

Looks so fun! Hey I know you're a big scrapbooker, sometimes I get overwhelmed by photos and do digital album books and print them. Mypublisher.com are the best prices and quality I've found. I tell you this cause you have a ton of photos, may help.