May 17, 2011

Kids will be kids

Sometimes as a mother you want you kids to behave in a certain way and do things your way, but something I try and remind myself constantly is let kids be kids. Yes there might be more of a mess and definitely more laundry but with happy faces like this is all worth it. playing the cups that he found when he broke into our pantry, played with them for more than an hour!
found a sharpie and luckily the sharpie only found his face

playing planes with daddy. I love the look of joy on Austin's face

licking the bowl, a household favorite

splashing in the mud with his gal pal Shelby. All the kids were soaked after this but they had so much fun.

kids will be kids

kids are only kids once

so let them be

1 comment:

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

I hear ya sista. I deal with this every singlle day, holding myself back and just letting them get messy. So hard but worth it.